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英国思克莱德大学Dr. Igor Timoshkin来访我院并作学术报告

作者:彭文成 审核人: 发布时间:2017-11-29 浏览量:

        20171125日至27日,应我院高电压与绝缘技术系邀请,英国思克莱德大学University of StrathclydeDr. Igor Timoshkin到我院访问交流,并于27日上午10:0012:00高电压与绝缘技术系201会议室进行了题为“Pulsed Power Technology at the University of Strathclyde: Basic Research and Practical Developments”的学术报告。报告会由我院米彦教授主持,院长助理肖冬萍副教授、高压系周湶教授及30余名研究生共同参加了本次报告会。




肖冬萍院长助理代表学院对Dr. Timoshkin的来访表示热烈欢迎,介绍了我院特别是高电压与绝缘技术系脉冲功率课题组所取得的重要研究成果,并希望双方在科学研究和人才培养等方面进一步深入合作。




报告会上,Dr. Timoshkin首先介绍了其所在学校和所在课题组的基本情况,然后详细地讲解了生物电介质和脉冲电场处理微生物的研究,以及气体和液体介质中的击穿放电研究。在讲解了相关研究后,Dr. Timoshkin还介绍了脉冲功率和非平衡等离子体技术在工业领域的运用,如405nm的蓝光杀菌技术、等离子体钻井技术、液体处理、空气净化、微生物降解、生物燃料的生产等。




随后在提问环节,在场学生都积极参与互动,踊跃向Dr. Timoshkin提出了很多问题,Dr. Timoshkin也都耐心地一一进行了详细解答和交流。Dr. Timoshkin的学术报告会给在场的老师和学生带来了一次思想的碰撞,丰富了专业知识,拓宽了学术研究的视野。




报告会之前,Dr. Timoshkin在米彦教授及其博士研究生的陪同下,参观了电气工程学院输配电装备及系统安全与新技术国家重点实验室。Dr. Timoshkin对我院的科研环境表示赞赏,对我院特别是高电压与绝缘技术系脉冲功率课题组的实验平台非常感兴趣,不时和老师、学生交流、讨论。





Dr Igor Timoshkin received the Bachelor Degree in physics from the Moscow State University, Russia, in 1992, and Ph.D. Degree from Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, London, UK, in 2001. After that, he moved to Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, University of Strathclyde, UK, where he became a Reader in 2016.

Dr Timoshkin is leading research projects in the field of pulsed power and high voltage engineering including properties of solid and liquid dielectric materials, bio-dielectrics and effects of electromagnetic fields on biological objects, gas discharges, non-thermal plasma for environmental, and bio-medical applications plasma in liquids. He authored and co-authored more than 50 research papers published in peer reviewed journals, 1 patent and 124 papers in the proceedings of international conferences. 8 PhD students whom Dr Igor Timoshkin supervised successfully completed their degrees. Currently Dr Timoshkin supervises 8 PhD students and 1 Post-Doctoral Researcher.

Dr. Timoshkin is a Senior Member of the IEEE, an Elected member of the IEEE Pulsed Power And Plasma Science Committee (term starting from January 2018), a Fellow of the UK Higher Education Academy, a Member of the Organizing Committee of the IEEE 2017 Pulsed Power Conference (Brighton, UK), a Member of the International Scientific Committee of the Series of International Conferences “Gas Discharges and Their Applications”. He was nominated for The Strathclyde University Teaching Excellence Awards (University of Strathclyde) in the “Most Enthusiastic” and “Most Supportive” categories.